Despite confessing tired, Luna felt quite so happy to be joining the event back this year. "Oops, bener-bener terrible, because we are from morning until evening. And we must move-and the studio moved a distance deket also. Capek is tired, but it ketutup same seneng," said wide-eyed artist this time in the event ultah DAHSYAT in RCTI Studio, Kebun Jeruk, West Jakarta, Tuesday (24 / 3).
Charge is not a problem anymore so the motivation for Luna in the back brisk this year, but more on the fun. "If the honor gede sih gue nggak akan pace here. But it is more fun to aja. DAHSYAT in science could be so for the presenter. That was my fear so that the presenter, but now I much ngerti. And so are hours of add , "said the star who is also a UN ambassador for the World Food Board.
However, although exciting, Luna does not expect events such as this is done every day, he did not want Section tired too contradictory in some studio. "Do not do pity me. This banget aja udah tired, because I go back and forth," she said.
5 komentar:
haii mbaa........
slm kenal yah, aq berharap bgt mba sempat bc comment dr aq..
aq dari Medan nih...
sumpah aq tuh dr dulu ngeFans abiiiiiiiz dgn mba luna..
biz nya keren n cakepp bgt,
gmn kbrnya mba???
sbnrnya pngn tau jg private blog or FB nya mba luna ....
boleh ga????
luna maya juga kayaknya udah ada profil nya di www.indoface.com
yang mo liat...dicoba aja dulu ya
sUXSES BUAT LuNa.........
O... Yo sokor
Haiii embak luna slm knl sll aja smg Tambah Caccess sll
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